JQGrid Documentation on Properties and Methods


  • jqGrid plugin,
  • jQuery library, version 1.1.4 or later, and
  • A web browser To manipulate and represent local (static) data – i.e. array data, data stored in an xml file, or data stored in a JSON file – that’s all you need. But the primary purpose of jqGrid is to manipulate and represent dynamic data over the web, and for this you will also need
  • A web server (e.g., IIS, Apache, Tomcat),
  • A database back-end (e.g., Postgre SQL, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL), and
  • A server-side scripting language (e.g., PHP, ASP)

JQGrid is a component that helps you, in an easy way, to represent database information on the client side using a server-side technology. Moreover it helps you to manipulate that data back into the database.

JQGrid uses Ajax calls to retrieve the requested information and represent it to client using Java Script language.  

JQGrid constructs the representation (tabular data) described by you in what is called the Column Model.  

The constructed tabular data at the client side has:

  • Caption layer
  • Header layer
  • Body layer
  • Navigation layer
JQGrid Layers

Caption layer contains common information for the represented data.

Header layer contains information about the columns: labels, width, etc.

Body layer is the data requested from the server and displayed according to the settings in the column model.

Navigation layer contains additional information from the requested data and actions for requesting little pieces of information – in the literature called paging. Note that the navigation layer can be placed not only at bottom of the grid, but anywhere on the page. The Navigation layer is also the place for adding buttons or links for editing, deleting, adding to and searching your grid data.  

First, we need to include the files required to construct the grid. This is done between the head tags in the html document.

StyleSheet grid.css  

Scripts jquery.js jquery.jqGrid.js

  • The link tag loads the style sheet for jqGrid,
  • The first script tag loads the jquery library,
  • The second script tag loads the required jqGrid plugins,
  • The third and fourth script tags load the additional modules
    required for some functions, and
  • The last script tag is where we write the commands needed to construct the grid.
  • Between the body tags you define where you want to place the grid.
  • table tag to define grid
  • div tag to define grid pager

The syntax for constructing the grid is:

jQuery('#grid_selector').jqGrid(options )
  • grid_selector is the unique id of the grid table
  • jqGrid is the plugin, and
  • options is an array.

Let’s begin with the options array, which looks like this: (These options can appear in any order)

url:'@Url.Action(ActionName, ControllerName)', 
datatype: 'xml', mtype: 'GET', 
colModel :[ 
       {name:'Col1',index:'Col1', width:55}, 
       {name:'Col2',index:'Col2', width:90}, 
       {name:'Col3',index:'Col3', width:80, align:'right'}, 
       {name:'Col4',index:'Col4', width:80, align:'right'}, 
       {name:'Col5',index:'Col5', width:80,align:'right'}, 
       {name:'Col6',index:'Col6', width:150, sortable:false} 
pager: jQuery('#pager'), 
sortname: 'id', 
sortorder: 'desc', 
viewrecords: true, 
imgpath: 'themes/basic/images', 
caption: 'My firstgrid'
JQGrid Array Data

Retrieving Data

datatype: the possible options are – ‘xml’, ‘json’,’clientSide’ or ‘local’, ‘xmlstring’, ‘jsonstring’ and ‘function (…)’


JQGrid Properties


The colModel property defines the individual grid columns as an array of


[ {name:’name1′, index:’index1’…}, {…}, … ]


JQGrid colModel Properties


if(id && id!==lastSel){ 
jQuery('#tbleditable').restoreRow(lastSel); lastSel=id; 
jQuery('#tbleditable').editRow(id, true); 
function( index, colindex, sortorder) { 
// here is the code 
JQGrid Events


parameter1,…parameterN )

  • grid_id is the id of the already constructed jqGrid.
  • jqGridMethod is a method applied to this jqGrid.
  • parameter1,…parameterN – a list of parameters

Where a method is not designed to return a requested value, then what is returned is the jqGrid object and a set of such methods can be chained, e.g., jQuery(“#grid_id”).setGridParam({..}).hideCol(“somecol”).trigger(“reloadGrid”)

Method Parameters Returns Description
addJSONData data true on success, otherwise false Populates a grid with the passed data (an array).
Suppose we have data from a particular webservice (jsonresponse), then   var mygrid = jQuery(“#”+grid_id)[0]; var myjsongrid = eval(“(“+jsonresponse.responseText+”)”); mygrid.addJSONData(myjsongrid); myjsongrid = null; j sonresponse =null;   Will populate the data to the grid. And, of course,
the data in myjsongrid can be manipulated before being passed to addJSONData.   addJSONData is a privileged method.
addRowData rowid, data, position (first, last, before, after – default last), srcrowid (source row, applies only when position is either before or after) true on success, otherwise false Inserts a new row with id = rowid containing the data
in data (an array) at the position specified (first in the table, last in the
table or before or after the row specified in srcrowid). The syntax of the
data array is: {name1:value1,name2: value2…} where name is the name of the column as
described in the colModel and the value is the value.
addXmlData xmlresponse true on success, otherwise false Populates a grid with the passed data. Suppose we
have data from a particular webservice (xmlresponse), then   var mygrid = jQuery(“#”+grid_id)[0]; mygrid.addXmlData(xmlresponse.responseXML);   Will populate the data to the grid. And, of course,
the data in xmlresponse can be manipulated before being passed to addXmlData.   addXmlData is a privileged method.
clearGridData none jqGrid object Clears the currently loaded data from grid
delRowData rowid true on success, otherwise false Deletes the row with the id = rowid. This operation does not delete a data from the server.
FormToGrid rowid, formid jqGrid object Reads data from a form (previously defined in html)
identified by formid and loads data into the grid in row with rowid. If the
names of both grid and form are the same the data from the form replaces the
data in the grid. Note that all fields from grid can be replaced, including hidden. This is
the opposite of GridToForm
getCell rowid, iCol the content of the cell iCol can be either the column index or the name.
getDataIDs none array of the id’s in the current grid view. Empty array if no data is available.  
getGridParam name the value of the requested parameter. Name is the name from options array. For a particular
options, see below. If the name is not set the entry options are returned.
getRowData rowid array with data of the requested id = rowid. The returned array is of type name:value, where the
name is a name from colModel and the value is a actual value. Returns empty
array if the row can not be found.
GridToForm rowid, formid jqGrid object Reads data from the given rowid and fills the form
(previously defined in html) identified by formid. If the names of both grid
and form are the same the data from the grid replaces the data in the form.
Note that all fields from grid can be used, including hidden.
hideCol colname jqGrid object Hides a column with a given colname. If the colname
is a string, only the specified column is hidden. If the colname is array of
type [“name1″,”name2”] then the columns with names
‘name1’ and ‘name2’ will be hidden at the same time. The names in colname
must be valid names from the colModel. The width of the grid is changed according to the following rules: if the grid
currently has no horizontal scroll bar, the width of the grid is decreased by
the width of the hidden column(s). If a scrollbar is visible, the width is adjusted which may or may not change the
width of the grid.  
resetSelection none jqGrid object Resets (unselects) the selected row(s). Also works in
multiselect mode.
setCaption caption jqGrid object Sets a new caption of the grid. If the Caption layer
was hidden, it is shown.
setCell rowid, colname, data, class, properties jqGrid object This method can change the content of particular cell
and can set class or style properties. Where: rowid: the id of the row,  colname: the name of the column (this parameter can be a number beginning from 0)  data: the content that can be put into the cell. If
empty string the content will not be changed  class: if class is string then we add a class to
the cell using addClass; if class is an array we set the new css properties
via css  properties: sets the attribute properies of the
cell   Example :   setCell(“10”, “tax”, “,
{color:’red’,’text-align’:’center’}’,{title:’Sales Tax’})   will set the contents of the tax field in row 10 to
red and centered and change the title to ‘Sales Tax’.
setGridParam object jqGrid object Sets a particular parameter. Note – for some parameters
to take effect a trigger(“reloadGrid”) should be executed. Note
that with this method we can override events like onSelectRow, etc. Example: setGridParam({ url:”newurl”, page:1, onSelectRow:function(id){/*here is the new code*/} });   The name (in the name:value pair) is the name from
options array. If the name is not set the entry options are returned.
setGridHeight new_height jqGrid object Sets the new height of the grid dynamically. Note
that the height is set only to the grid cells and not to the grid.
<>new_height<> can be in pixels, percentage, or ‘auto’
setGridWidth new_width, shrink jqGrid object Sets a new width to the grid dynamically. The
parameters are:  new_width is the new width in pixels.  shrink (default true) has the same    behavior as
setLabel colname, newlabel, sattr jqGrid object Sets a new label in the header for the specified
column; can also set attributes and classes (sattr). The parameters are:  colname(mixed) is either the name of the column
(from colModel) or the number of the column in colModel beginning from 0.  newlabel(string) is the label that we want to
change. Can be a empty string.  sattr(mixed) – if this parameter is array we add
this as attributes to this header element. if the parameter is string we add a class to this element
setRowData rowid, data true on success, otherwise false Updates the values (using the data array) in the row
with rowid. The syntax of data array is: {name1:value1,name2:value2…} where
the name is the name of the column as described in the colModel and the value is
the new value.
setSelection rowid, onsetselection jqGrid object Toggles a selection of the row with id = rowid; if
onsetselection is true (the default) then the event onSetRow is launched,
otherwise it is not
showCol colname jqGrid object Shows a column with a given colname. If the colname
is a string we show only the specified column. If colname is array of type
[“name1″,”name2”] then the columns with names ‘name1’ and
‘name2’ will be shown at the same time The names in colname must be valid
names from colModel. The width of the grid changes by the
width of the newly-shown columns.
.trigger(“reloadGrid”); none jqGrid object Reloads the grid with the current settings. This
means that a new request is send to the server if datatype is xml or json.
This method should be applied to an already-constructed grid – e.g., jQuery(“#grid_id”).trigger(“reloadGrid”);
getColProp colname an array of the properties of the given column from colModel  
GridDestroy grid_id true on success, otherwise false Destroys the entry grid from the DOM (clears all the
html associated with the grid and unbinds all events)
GridUnload grid_id true on success, otherwise false The only difference to previous method is that the
grid is destroyed, but the table element and pager (if any) are left ready to
be used again.    
setColProp colname, properties  jGrid object Sets new properties in colModel. This method is ideal
for dynamically changing properties of the column. Note that some properties – like width and align – have no
effect. For example: jQuery(“#grid_id”).
setColProp(‘colname’,{editoptions:{value:”True:False”}}) will change the editoptions values.
sortGrid d colname,reload  jGrid object Sorts the given colname and shows the appropriate
sort image. The same (without sorting image) can be done using setGridParam({sortname:’myname’}).trigger(‘reloadGrid’) If the reload is set to true, the grid reloads with
the current page and sortorder settings.

Please click here for more information on JQGrid.

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